“I have needed to come to Palm Medical Group several times over the years, from back injuries to arm strains and physical therapy. Their service, care, and attention to detail have always made what would have been uncomfortable and painful experiences into a bit more of positive and enjoyable ones. Highly recommended. I AM SO GREATFUL I WAS WRONG. The staff was amazing.” – B. Felix
“Excellent professional staff! Always walk in and immediately greeted by the girls in front! Back office staff just as helpful! Providers as well. All staff are very well educated in their field and are always ready to answer any and all questions!” – C. McCarty
“I have needed to come to Palm Medical Group several times over the years, from back injuries to arm strains and physical therapy. Their service, care, and attention to detail have always made what would have been uncomfortable and painful experiences into a bit more of positive and enjoyable ones. Highly recommended.” – R. Zo

Total Occupational Health Services
Total Occupational Health Services
We are an Industrial clinic providing Medical, Physical Therapy and Chiropractic services to those injured at work or in their car.
We provide Injury Care, Pre-Placement exams and DOT physicals, Drug Testing and many other Industrial Health Services. Contact us with your needs and we will be happy to help you.
New Non-Emergency or Non-911 injuries can be seen on a walk in basis. The worker will need to present with an employer written authorization, Insurance information and an injury claim number issued by the insurance company. You obtain this by calling the carrier to report the injury; they issue you a case or claim number. New Patients must be in the clinic 30 minutes before closing unless other arrangements have been made. If you’re treated somewhere else you are a transfer of care patient.
Transfer of Medical Care: A copy of your current medical file must be presented to our clinic for consideration. We are not a clinic for chronic medication management, but rather a Multidisciplinary Medical facility focused on helping resolve your work or auto injury.
Auto Accident Injury Care
Meeting Your Personal Injury Needs: Medical, Physical Therapy and Chiropractic team care for the Car Injury Patient
Palm Medical Group Inc. Medical Doctors, Chiropractors and Physical Therapist that have experience treating Motor Vehicle Accidents. Since we already provide injury care to many local businesses , government agencies as well as law enforcement we are well prepare to provide care and treatment for your Auto Accident. (although we get many work related Auto Injuries as well). The fact of matter is that most family doctors offices refer their patient over for care and our professional results. Don’t be surprised if your doctor recommends our facility to you, your will appreciate that they did.
Car Accident Insurance and Work Comp Insurance is different that your regular health plan, call us and discuss coverage and payment options to get you better and over your injury as soon as possible. Understand your options and get back on your feet while feeling better.
Palm Medical Group is a Muti-Specialty Medical Clinic with all your needs in one convenient location: Palm Medical Group combines Medical Doctors, Chiropractic and Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. Palm Medical Group has on-site x-ray, medication and even a gym with exercise physiologist and customized therapy plans.
If your company needs occupational and industrial medical services, Palm Medical Group provides pre-placement screenings with same day results and industrial related treatment of work related injuries.
With Palm Medical Group, your employees will get in today and be seen right away!
We serve the Fresno area.
Respondiendo a las Necesidades de Sus Lesiones Personales
Palm Medical Group Inc. es una organización de doctores y profesionales médicos dedicados a la evaluación, documentación y tratmiento del paciente lesionado por causa de un accidente.
Palm Medical Group Inc. entiende el trabajo legal que muchas veces asociado con lesiones especializadas causadas por accidente.
- Evaluación inicial y administración a cargo de nuestro doctor.
- Farmacia en el local para los medicamentos resetados.
- Evaluación de diagnóstico (todo en nuestro local):
- Rayos x
- Pruebas de conducción nerviosa sensible para evaluar la sensibilidad y el dolor;
- Rango computarizado de movilidad para evaluar el nivel de la lesión y sus limitaciones
- Terapeuta físico registrado
- Ejercicios para rehabilitación en nuestro local
- Disponemos de tratamiento quiorpráctico
- Soportes para la muneca y la espalda
- Soportes de cuello
- Tratamiento médicos electrocéucticos para controlar el dolor
- Reportes comprensivos en un conveniente localidad.
Las investigación médica demuestra que la falta de tratamientos adecuados luego de un accidente/ lesión causa:
- Formación excesiva de tejidos cicatrizados
- Entumecimiento y dolor
- Lesiones Crónicas
- Artritis prematura
Palm Medial Group reseta una terapia de rehabiltación consistente con el nivel de la lesión. Las re-evaluaciones regulares de los pacientes por nuestro médico, modificará el tratamiento y los ejercicios de rehabilitación mejorando la recuperación del paciente.
Debido a nuestro amplio conocimiento de casos relacionados con accidentes / lesiones / médicos / legales acemptamos liens calificados. Muchas veces el médico de la familia elegirá referirlo a Palm Medical Group para la evaluación y tratamiento de sus lesiones personales.
Nuestros médicos ofrecen testimonios médicos experimentados, revisión de registros y clasificatión de impedimentos.
Estamos comprometidos a ayudar a cada paciente a recuperarse totalmente de sus lesiones.
Documentamos la necesidad de tratamiento, y aliviamos el dolor proveyendo terapia para lesiones causadas por accidentes.
Palm Medical Group Proporciona Medico, Quiropráctica, terapia fisica, rehabilitación ¡Todo bajo un mismo techo!